Santa Barbara Old Time Fiddler’s Convention

The Darling Brothers made their festival debut at the 43rd annual Santa Barbara Old Time Fiddler’s Convention in Goleta. It was an honor to be invited by David Bragger, one of Los Angeles’ (and the country’s) great old time evangelists. David runs the Old Time Tiki Parlour record label which is producing great CD and DVD releases of some of the country’s great old time practitioners. It was a long drive for Tim and I but well worth it, if only for the amazing talent with whom we were fortunate enough to share the stage. After our set, I entered the banjo competition in the advanced division and was awarded 3rd place for my performance of ‘Pigtown Fling’! The bronze victory was short-lived as I was promptly bitten on the lip by a yellow jacket. The ensuing fat lip  will forever be enshrined in the Goleta hall of greats thanks to my award photo. goleta-win
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