Jug Band Album Fundraiser

G Burns Jug Band is hard at work preparing our third album of old American music to be released in 2017! We invite you to visit our fundraising page here to learn more about the project and get a sneak peak at some videos we’ll be releasing in the coming weeks. Donations starting at $10 will secure your pre-order of the new record in digital form, with larger amounts getting you physical copies and other fine gifts. You can also help by spreading the word: sharing our fundraising page with others on social media or getting your friends to our next show. This is our second time crowd-funding a record. In 2015 fans and friends helped fund our album ‘The Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe.’ All donors received a copy of that record along with other gifts. We took that record on a tour through the South, and it won a San Diego Music Award for ‘Best Local Recording.’ We took that record to performances with folk music luminaries like Jim Kweskin. We have high hopes for our next album and with your help, who knows where it’ll take us? Thank you for supporting old American music! Sincerely, Clinton, Meghann, Batya, Jonathan, and Tim
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G Burns Jug Band, Recordings
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